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Liliana Saez

Certified Ayurvedic &

Shals Therapy Practitioner

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Liliana Saez leads the Performance Success Wellness Program at Magnitud and is the founder of Mix & Match Nature. She is a certified Ayurvedic Practitioner and a certified Shals Therapy practitioner. Her extensive experience in holistic health techniques includes Ayurvedic Psychology and Ayurvedic Medicine certification through Dev Sanskriti University (DSVV) in collaboration with Centro Latinoamericano de Estudios Védicos. She trained with Dr. Carlos Fernández and Aurora Moreno Olmo of Spain to become certified in Shals Therapy, a technique used to recover personal power to heal the physical body through energetic exercises. Her background in sociology and research throughout South America provide conceptual frameworks from which she explores and delivers targeted coaching. She is fluent in English, Spanish and Italian. She has also served as a personal trainer, private chef, and she holds an MBA in marketing. She has worked across multiple industries including aviation sales and the fashion industry.

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